Best Crystals for Anxiety and Depression

Crystals for Anxiety

Best Crystals for Anxiety and Depression

In this competitive world, anxiety and depression have become some of the most common and biggest mental health issues. Both anxiety and depression can eat a person from the inside and can even lead them to take certain steps that no one should think about. Although anxiety and depression are some of the biggest mental health issues, there are also various ways to cure them. Among all the other methods, using healing crystals for anxiety and depression is some of the best and most efficient ways.

Crystals have numerous healing properties and are found all over the world. Besides their healing properties, crystals also have multiple uses and also have a strong historical presence. Even in the modern era, the uses of crystals are more than as an accessory. There are various types of crystals that help with anxiety and depression.

Crystals are well known for their vibration and has various healing properties, which helps in healing both psychologically and physically, and their practice are also some of the best for relieving anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.

How do crystals help with anxiety and depression?

Crystals contain strong properties that restore positive energy in the bearer’s body while removing negative ions, which are the main cause of clouding one’s judgment. Moreover, healing crystals ensure mental clarity to the bearer with their gentle vibration and helps to relieve anxiety and depression. We all know how ruthless anxiety and depression can be, and to make sure you won’t go through the worst, we will provide you with a scoop of the best healing crystals for anxiety and depression.


Amethyst crystal has the soothing color of lilacs and lavender and is a family member of the Quartz family. The crystals of the Quartz family are known for their calming presence, and among all the crystals of this family, the properties of Amethyst are the best to help with anxiety and depression.

Amethyst is also a known crystal for curing insomnia and nightmares and helps the user to settle their thoughts and get quality sleep. Moreover, the crystal is associated with the Crown chakra and helps to maintain the flow of chakra throughout the body, allowing the person to relax and relieve anxiety, stress, and other mental disorders.

Additionally, Amethyst also helps to unblock inner potential and boost confidence and the sense of self-worth, helping the person to put anxiety and depression behind them. To welcome the properties of Amethyst, all you need to do is to place the stone on your forehead and let it help to calm the mind by removing all the rushing thoughts.

Blue Lace Agate

The Blue Lace Agate crystal has a layer of clear, pale, and dark blue and is a member of the Lace Agate family. Besides its calming color, the crystal also has a gentle vibration and soothing properties that help to put the mind at ease.

The Blue Lace Agate is a known crystal for opening the door of spiritual connections, supporting institutions, and clearing anxiety and depression. The crystal is associated with the Manipura chakra and helps to maintain a flow of positive energy while removing negative ions, making it one of the best crystals for anxiety and depression.

Additionally, the properties of the crystals are also known to boost self-esteem and confidence, which inevitably removes anxiety and depression. To use the power of Blue Lace Agate, place the crystal in the center of your bedroom, as it will collect and spread positive energy while removing all the negative ions and is among the best healing crystals for anxiety and stress.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is also known as Schorl and is one of the best crystals to keep the mind focused. Moreover, the stone also ensures that no negative thoughts or uncertainty will come across the user.

The Black Tourmaline crystal is associated with the third eye and the crown chakra. The stone has strong properties and vibrations that protect the user against negative energy. Furthermore, Black Tourmaline also provides positive energy to the user and unclouds their judgments.

Additionally, the properties of Black Tourmaline help to stimulate mental activity, making them good crystals for anxiety. The Black Tourmaline crystal is known to cleanse negative energy and to make use of its properties; you can put these crystals in the corner of your house as they will absorb all the negative energy and will allow you to get a calm mindset.


Hematite is a crystal of self-improvement and has strong spiritual properties that allow the user to maintain a balance between the physical as well as the spiritual body. Moreover, the properties of Hematite increase concentration and do not allow negative thoughts to reside in the mind.

Additionally, the Hematite crystal has various healing properties, such as reducing high blood pressure, improving circulation, and more. Furthermore, the crystal is also one of the best for curing sleep disorders such as insomnia.

The properties of Hematite are associated with the root chakra, which helps to balance the flow of energy in one’s body. To welcome the benefits of Hematite crystal, gently place it on your solar plexus before going to bed, as it will remove all negative energy from the body and unwanted thoughts from the mind.


Similar to its name, the Moonstone crystal has a similar look to the moon and has calming properties. The crystal symbolizes wisdom, fertility, intuition, and a new beginning. Moreover, Moonstone has a gentle vibration that helps in relieving anxiety and depression.

The Moonstone crystal is also believed to hold the same energy as the moon and has the power to turn dreams into reality. Additionally, Moonstone is also a known crystal for peace and calmness, making it one of the best crystals for anxiety and sleep.

Moonstone harnesses divine energy and guides the person to the correct path. The crystal is linked with the chakra of the crown and helps to uncloud one’s decision-making abilities. Moonstone is one of the best healing crystals for sleep and anxiety, and to use it, all you need to do is place the crystal around your house. Moreover, the properties of Moonstone can also be welcomed by wearing the stone as an accessory.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz has a soft pink color and stimulates gentle energy. Rose Quartz is also one of the most known crystals in the Quartz family, and it is also known as the crystal of love. The crystal has a calming vibration and various healing properties that heal the mind, body as well as soul.

Rose Quartz is the crystal of love and is associated with the heart chakra. The crystal gently stimulates the energy flow and helps to restore peace and calmness. Besides its physical and psychological healing properties, Rose Quartz is also known to bring unconditional love to one’s life, as it is linked with the law of attraction.

Additionally, Rose Quartz also helps to maintain the chakra level and increase one’s self-esteem and confidence, which inevitably makes it one of the best crystals for anxiety and depression. To allow Rose Quartz to do its magic, all you need to do is put the crystal in the southwest direction of your bedroom.


Selenite has a crystal-clear look and is known for its properties of peace, serenity, and sweet consciousness. The crystal helps to purify the body as well as the soul from all negative energy. Additionally, the crystal is also known for its ability to calm rushing thoughts and is among the best healing crystals for social anxiety.

The Selenite crystal has soothing effects that increase concentration levels and also balance chakra the chakra level. Moreover, Selenite has a gentle vibration that helps the person to be optimistic while gently encouraging them to embrace the art of self-love. The properties of Selenite are also connected with one’s spiritual body and guide the person towards things that require attention.

Additionally, Selenite also boosts immunity and removes negative energy from the body. The properties of Selenite make it one of the best crystals for anxiety and depression, and to make use of its properties, hold the crystal in your hand while gently breathing and then talk to the crystal about your worries; by doing so, it will help you to put your mind at ease and will also help to restore positive energy in the body.


The Citrine crystal has the color of sunshine and is known as the crystal of positivity and optimism. Among all the crystals, Citrine has the most positive vibration that helps in curing anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. Additionally, Citrine is also known as the stone of success.

The crystal is associated with the chakra of the solar plexus and relates with the themes of confidence, energy, and self-control, and maintains a positive flow of energy throughout the body. Moreover, the properties of Citrine also boost the rate of success and one’s willpower and self-esteem.

The Citrine crystal gives a person courage and helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Citrine is a stone of positivity, and to integrate its properties into your life, put the crystal in the southeast direction of your bedroom at the same height as the bed and let it bring positivity and optimism to your life.


Howlite is a known crystal for patience and perspective, and its properties are some of the best to cope with the fast-paced world and its frustration. Howlite has a calm vibration that helps to ease raging emotions and bring clarity and calmness to the mind, helping the person to relieve anxiety and depression.

The Howlite crystal is associated with the Crown chakra and helps to soften frustration and improve sleep. The crystal also balances the energy flow of one’s body and helps to clear uncertainty and negative thoughts from one’s mind. Moreover, Howlite also helps the person to focus on things that require their attention.

Howlite has positive properties and vibrations that help a person to clear unnecessary barriers in mind, making it one of the best depression healing crystals. To integrate Howlite’s properties into your life, place the crystal in your bedroom, as it will encourage better and deep sleep, helping the mind to be calm and clear.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is the opaque version of the Quartz family and is commonly referred to as the supreme nurturer or the nurturer’s stone. The crystal has a bright red color, and thanks to its gentle vibration, the crystal is also used as a healing toolkit.

Red Jasper has calming and soothing properties that help in relieving stress, anxiety, and other mental disorders. Additionally, the properties of Red Jasper also boost confidence, as well as patience, and increase one’s understanding abilities.

Red Jasper has various properties, but what shines the brightest among all others is its ability to increase one’s self-belief and help to make peace with the past. To use the properties of Red Jasper, place the stone on your solar plexus while maintaining a calm breath; by doing so, the crystal will remove all negative energy and unnecessary thoughts from the mind.

How to use crystals to relieve anxiety and depression?

Although the vibration and properties of crystals help to relieve anxiety and depression, they can’t be productive if you don’t know how to use them. In order to use crystals to relieve anxiety and depression, you can try:

  • Place the crystal underneath your pillow.
  • Store the crystal in your wallet or purse or wear it as an accessory.
  • Submerging the crystal into the water as you bathe or placing it on one edge of the tub
  • Place the crystal in a gem pod.
  • Make an altar with the crystal and place it in a visible corner of your house.

To Conclude

Anxiety is a feeling of worry or uneasiness and can vary depending on person to person. An anxious person can feel panic, have difficulty breathing, sweat, and have nausea. Depression is also a similar mental disorder to anxiety and can make a person feel alone. Although mental disorders can leave a huge impact on one’s life and on the people around them, it does not mean that they are incurable.

There are various practices that help to relieve mental disorders, and integrating the use of crystal in your daily life is among the best of them. There are various crystals that are good for anxiety and depression, and we have found the best crystals for you.

Integrating crystals into your daily life is easy, as crystals do not require any extra attention. Besides helping one with mental disorders, crystals also have various other properties that help to heal from various physical diseases and attain peace and calmness in one’s life.

Although similar to other objects, crystals also require maintenance. However, maintaining crystals is neither time-consuming nor requires much effort. All it requires to clean crystals is to wash them in clear water and put them beneath sunlight or moonlight in order to charge them up.

Crystals are also available as accessories, meaning you can continuously use their power throughout the day and can use crystals for anxiety and depression.

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