
What does “Dreaming of Mice” Indicate?

Mice dreams signify spending too much time on insignificant things and problems and can be a symbol of fear, timidity, inadequacy, or shyness. Mice can also be symbolized as poverty, but they might also signify a new income or some gains, especially if you were catching mice in a dream. Mouse dream meaning indicates fear, meekness, insignificance, and a lack of assertiveness. When you see a mouse hiding in your dream, it indicates sneakiness, minor irritations, and annoyances that come...

What Could “Killing Snake in a Dream” Mean?

Killing a snake in a dream indicates dealing with betrayal and someone is doing something behind your back. It may also represent some potential and unwanted pregnancy. Killing snakes in a dream is a symbol of transformation. Killing in a dream is never to be taken literally. In the dream, the snake was killed and then the dreamer reached a level in ego consciousness of transforming this snake. This would be a positive dream of emotional and spiritual growth. The...

What does “dreaming of rats” indicate?

Dream of rats at night is a common theme at bedtime. If you or your loved one has been covering this ground at night, you may have questions about what it all might mean. To dream of rats means that you have an inner fear of being stabbed in the back, or that someone might cheat on you in the future. Rats could represent that you are trying to hide some unmatched thoughts, this may be a feeling of...

What Could A “Dream of Catching Fish” Mean?

Fish represents destiny or it is defined as destiny, foreshadowing the impending affairs, acquisitions, or a nuisance, depending on where you see the fish. Dream of catching fish is related to your spiritual beliefs. As I have already said in the opening paragraph, catching focus on your spirituality? Women dreaming of catching fish is a symbol connected to giving birth to a fish in your dream means positive. It indicates a new goal. The question is, are you willing to...

What Does The Spider Web in The Dream Indicate?

In a dream, if you see a huge spider, find yourself struggling with the sticky web of spiders, and getting followed by a spider; All these incidents can have different interpretations. It can denote the following in dreams: A web of lies, challenged trust, and the feeling of being trapped. As spiders do not have skeletons or bones, it can suggest that you are feeling trapped in life by something unseen. This could be a job, financial worries, or...

What Does Cat in a Dream Indicate?

Cats in dreams are the symbol of your instinct. The health of a cat in the dream shows whether you are ignoring or heeding your intuition. A feline in the dream can be a symbol for someone in your life who is wicked or malicious. If a cat is scratching you in your dream, it can be an indication that you are feeling threatened. Cat in a dream indicates a strong and independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. It...

What Does Mean If the Cat Appeared in a Dream? By ShriAstro

People say that cats in dreams can be a symbol for your instinct, and the health of the cat shows whether you are heeding or ignoring your intuition. A dream feline may be a symbol for someone in your life who is nasty or malicious. If you are being scratched by a cat in your dream, it is suggested that you are feeling threatened. Dreaming of a cat indicates an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. It also represents...

Dreaming of lice Interpretation

Dreaming of lice Dreaming of lice interpretation is considered as a mode of supernatural symbols that are related to your life and future. These dreams can be interpreted according to the knowledge acquired by some of the ancient societies like Egypt and Greece. The dreams about lice can be a message and tell a lot about your near future and therefore should be duly taken notice of. Though nowadays people dream of something that they are constantly thinking and those dreams...

Wedding Dream Meaning & Dream Of Wedding Dress

Wedding Dreams indicate the things that are happening in reality or could possibly happen in the near future. Having a wedding dream is easy to interpret when it is not strange but when it hits the mark of bizarre or unfamiliar, it’s better to know the meaning as it can be your direct divine communication to understand the situations you are going through better. Dreaming of a wedding dress can interpret different meanings according to the situation and the reality...

Dreams About Bears – Interpretation and Meaning

Seeing animals in your dream is an unusual event that might or might not related to the actual life that you are leading. Having dreams about bears are generally rare and they can represent both as something that has already taken place or can arrive at any moment in the near future. Having dreams about Bear can be a good sign but it can also be a bad omen. So be sure of which one you had last night. Sometimes...