June Birthstones: Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone

June Birthstones

June Birthstones: Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone

People born in the month of June are known for their charismatic, talented, and good-looking personalities, and the June birthstones enhance those traits. Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone are June birthstones, and their properties and vibrations provide numerous benefits to June borns.

Sweet simplicity is the June birthstone meaning, and Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone stay true to the meaning. Alexandrite is a strong stone that is known as the gemstone of good fortune, while Pearl is known for promoting inner wisdom. As for Moonstone, it is known for its calm and soothing energy. Moreover, all three of the stones carry the June birthstones colour and promote the positive traits of June borns while dispelling the negative ones. To know what other benefits the June birthstones hold, let’s take a closer look at them.

Alexandrite stone meaning

Alexandrite is a type of Chrysoberyl mineral and is known as the gemstone of good fortune. Alexandrite introduces the bearer to wealth, prosperity, and love and helps them to thrive in their life. Moreover, intellect and luck are the symbolic meaning of Alexandrite.

The Alexandrite birthstone carries grounded properties with a gentle vibration that promotes the bearer’s luck, confidence, and trust, which are also the June birthstone Alexandrite meanings.

Pearl stone meaning

Pearl is a type of calcium carbonate stone, and faith, purity, innocence, and integrity are the meaning of Pearl birthstone. Moreover, the Pearl stone symbolizes enlightenment, wisdom, longevity, protection, serenity, and innocence. Additionally, the Pearl stone is also known for bringing good fortune and neutralizing negative energies and other impurities.

The Pearl stone carries strong metaphysical properties that signify faith and innocence. The June birthstone also enhances the bearer’s luck and provides them with an abundance of positive energy, helping them to find and unblock their inner strength.

Moonstone meaning

Moonstone is a member of the feldspar mineral family, and the stone represents fertility, love, sleep, and protection. Moreover, the Moonstone birthstone also symbolizes peace, calmness, and balance in life. Additionally, Moonstone is also a known stone for new beginnings.

The June birthstone Moonstone is a gentle stone and carries soothing properties with a calming vibration that provides physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits to the bearer. Moonstone also provides the bearer with ample energy that helps them to stay optimistic and focused on their dreams.

Alexandrite healing properties

Alexandrite is a stone of grace, glory, and joy and kindles the sense of joy, love, and pleasure. The Alexandrite stone carries grounded properties with a gentle vibration that provides physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

Alexandrite physical benefits

The Alexandrite stone provides strong physical benefits to the bearer as it improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, and purifies the blood. Moreover, the stone also helps to cure illness and fever. The properties of Alexandrite also strengthen the bearer’s immune as well as digestive system.

Alexandrite is among the June gemstones, and its properties and vibration also reduce headaches and help to regulate hormones to maintain a healthy body. Additionally, the Alexandrite stone also helps the bearer with soreness and numbness.

Alexandrite emotional benefits

The Alexandrite stone promotes the bearer’s self-esteem and encourages them to step outside of their comfort zone to achieve their dreams and desires. Moreover, the emotional healing properties of Alexandrite also help the bearer to climb the ladders of emotional maturity. The gentle vibration of Alexandrite promotes mental calmness and helps the bearer to make rational decisions in both their personal and professional life.

Alexandrite also promotes a sense of serenity and peace and helps the bearer to be focused on their dreams and desires. The gentle vibration carried by Alexandrite helps the bearer to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression and provides the bearer with a clear and rational mind.

Alexandrite spiritual benefits

Alexandrite stone is associated with the heart chakra and helps the bearer maintain physical as well as spiritual stability. This association also maintains a healthy flow of energy throughout the bearer’s body and also clears every chakra blockage, and aligns all chakra points. The grounded properties of Alexandrite help the bearer to connect with spiritual guides in order to achieve a higher level of self-consciousness.

The gentle vibration carried by Alexandrite helps the bearer to maintain a spiritual and physical connection as well as helps them with spiritual development. Moreover, the vibration of Alexandrite also provides the bearer with positive energy while dispelling negative ions and other impurities.

Pearl stone healing properties

June is the Pearl birthstone month, and the stone is associated with the water element and is a known stone for maintaining balance in life. Besides maintaining balance, the Pearl stone also offers physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

Pearl physical benefits

The properties and vibration of Pearl stone maintain a healthy body by curing illness and bringing harmony to the bearer’s life. Moreover, the Pearl stone also reduces the effects of asthma, bronchitis, and various other lung issues. Additionally, the stone also helps to heal other essential organs such as the heart, liver, and kidney.

The Pearl stone contains soothing vibrations and properties that improve the bearer’s skin appearance as well as provide them with quality sleep which is essential for a healthy body. Additionally, the Pearl stone is highly beneficial for pregnant women as it carries feminine energy.

Pearl emotional benefits

Along with bringing balance to the body, the Pearl stone does the same for the bearer’s mind and provides them with mental stability and clarity. Pearl brings emotional stability and promotes peace and calmness, helping the bearer to make decisions based on their needs, not fear. Moreover, the Pearl stone also boosts the bearer’s confidence, intellect, and judgment and helps to calm relentlessness and anxiety, and controls anger.

The Pearl stone also boosts the bearer’s creative thinking and helps them to stay positive even in the direst situations. Additionally, Pearl is also known as a mood stabilizer as it helps the bearer to control their anger and relieve mood swings.

Pearl spiritual benefits

The Pearl stone shares a connection with the third eye chakra and helps them grow their spiritual awareness. The association helps the bearer to focus on the necessary things that require their attention to achieve success. Moreover, this association fine-tunes the bearer’s understanding and helps them to understand themselves better.

The spiritual properties of Pearl also help the bearer to maintain a healthy flow of energy throughout their body. The Pearl stone also provides an abundance of positive energy, helping June borns to stay positive and focused.

Moonstone healing properties

Moonstone is a gentle stone, and similar to its name, it shares a link with the moon. Moonstone carries feminine energy that promotes one’s creative emotions and intuitive power. Additionally, Moonstone also offers emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits.

Moonstone emotional benefits

Moonstone carries gentle properties that promote a sense of relaxation and provides the bearer with mental clarity. The properties of Moonstone also promote the bearer’s inner wisdom and help them to elevate negative emotions. Moreover, the properties of Moonstone also help the bearer to make quick and beneficial decisions.

Moonstone also carries a calming vibration that promotes peace and calmness and provides the bearer with a sense of stability while increasing their confidence. Moreover, the vibration of the Moonstone also helps the bearer achieve a higher level of mental calmness.

Moonstone physical benefits

The gentle properties of Moonstone help against nosebleeds, headaches, epilepsy and sunstroke. Moreover, the properties of Moonstone also balance hormones and brings the body back to its natural state. Additionally, the properties of Moonstone also help with various discomforts such as soreness, stiffness, numbness, etc.

The Moonstone also helps the bearer to relax their body with its soothing vibration. Moreover, the soothing vibration of Moonstone also improves the overall appearance of the skin and helps with acne breakouts.

Moonstone spiritual benefits

Moonstone is a gentle stone and helps one with spiritual growth. Moonstone shares a connection with the crown chakra and helps the bearer to develop spiritual awareness. Moreover, the crown chakra also aligns every chakra point and clears all chakra blockages, maintaining a healthy chakra flow throughout the bearer’s body.

The properties of Moonstone also help the bearer to grow their understanding about themselves while also helping them to achieve a higher spiritual level through spiritual guides. Additionally, Moonstone also provides the bearer with positive energy that helps the bearer to stay optimistic and energetic.

How to use June birthstones?

Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone offer numerous benefits to June borns, and in order to use the stones to their fullest potential, you can try:

  • Wearing stones as accessories: Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone are popular accessory stones, and wearing the stones as accessories will allow them to be in direct contact with your body and will provide you with their positive energy while dispelling the negative ions.
  • Carrying stones in your pocket or purse: Carrying either or all of the June birthstones in your pocket or purse will work in the same manner as wearing them, and by carrying the stones, they will dispel every impurity around the bearer while boosting positive energy.
  • Crystal grids: Placing Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone in a crystal grid will boost their properties and will remove negative energies much more effectively while providing a much bigger boost to the positive ions.
  • Placing stones in your home or office: Placing either or all of the June birthstones in a visible corner of your home or office will create balance within the place and will protect everyone under the roof from negativity, evil spirits, and other impurities.

How to cleanse June birthstones?

As Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone are the June birthstones, their usage and cleansing process are also similar. In order to cleanse the stones, you can try:

  • Cleaning them with soapy water and a soft brush: Cleansing the stone by using soapy water and a soft brush as it will remove all the impurities while restoring their positive energies and vibrations.
  • Smudge the stones with sage: Hold Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone in the smoke of burning sage for a few minutes, as it will remove every impurity from the stones and will make them ready to use again.
  • Leave stones in spring water for at least an hour: Leaving the June birthstones in spring water for at least an hour will revive their positive properties and vibrations and will also free them from negativity and other impurities.

To conclude

Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone are the June birthstones and symbolize sweet simplicity. The June birthstones provide the bearer with an abundance of positive energy and keep them optimistic and energetic while safeguarding them against negativity and other impurities. All three of the stones for June are beautiful and are popular stones as accessories and are perfect gifts for those born in June.

Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone provide numerous benefits, including mental clarity, physical well-being, spiritual awareness, etc., to everyone born in the month of June. Additionally, the June birthstones also introduce the bearer with ample opportunities to thrive in life.

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