March Birthstones: Aquamarine & Bloodstone Meaning & Colors

March Birthstones

March Birthstones: Aquamarine & Bloodstone Meaning & Colors

People born in the month of March are known for their smart, creative, and deeply intuitive nature and these traits can be refined further with Aquamarine and Bloodstone as they both are March birthstones. Both Aquamarine and Bloodstone carry grounded properties and vibrations that soothes the mind of March borns and provides them with positive energy while helping them to stay positive.

Happiness in life is the March birthstone meaning, and both Aquamarine and Bloodstone stay true to it. Moreover, the Aquamarine stone also carries the March birthstone color, and its properties promote positivity. Bloodstone, on the other hand, protects the bearer against negative energies and other impurities while helping them to achieve their dreams and desires. Both Aquamarine and Bloodstone are excellent March gemstones, and to know what else they offer, let’s take a closer look at them.

Aquamarine stone meaning

Aquamarine is a regal gemstone that is blue in color and is associated with the water element. The Aquamarine birthstone represents hope, happiness, and everlasting youth. Moreover, the properties of Aquamarine are also believed to protect those at sea or ocean.

The Aquamarine lore is connected to Roman culture as it was a believed stone to reconcile enemies and make friends with them. Aquamarine carries gentle properties with a soothing vibration that represents peace and calmness. Moreover, insight, truth, and wisdom are the symbolic meaning of Aquamarine.

Bloodstone stone meaning

Bloodstone is a type of polycrystalline chalcedony and is a dark green stone with red splatters. Courage, motivation, and creative energy are the Bloodstone birthstone meaning. Moreover, Bloodstone also represents intuitions, environmental energy, and psychic powers.

Bloodstone carries strong metaphysical properties that symbolize inner strength, invincibility, health, and youth. The March birthstone Bloodstone also enhances the bearer’s luck and charms while also boosting their confidence and helping them to find and unlock their inner strength.

Aquamarine healing properties

Aquamarine is a calm crystal that carries similar properties to the water element and provides the bearer with emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.

Aquamarine emotional healing properties

The emotional healing properties of Aquamarine help the bearer to gain insight, wisdom, and truth while also enhancing their intellect and focus. Moreover, the vibration of Aquamarine allows the bearer to reflect on their choices and not make the same mistakes as they did in the past.

The March birthstone Aquamarine also soothes the bearer’s mind by unclouding their judgements and helps them to make quick and beneficial decisions. Moreover, Aquamarine also promotes serenity, calmness, and peace and helps the bearer to stay focused on their dreams and desires.

Aquamarine physical healing properties

The Aquamarine stone is also referred to as the “breathe stone,” as it works closely with breathing and alleviates sinus, lung, and respiratory problems. Moreover, the vibration of Aquamarine also helps the bearer to end their unhealthy behaviours while also promoting a healthy immune and digestive system. Additionally, the stone also helps the bearer to step outside of their comfort zone to chase and achieve their dreams.

March is the Aquamarine birthstone month, and besides providing one with confidence, the stone also regulates hormones and reduces headaches, providing the bearer with a healthy mind and healthy body.

Aquamarine spiritual healing properties

Aquamarine is associated with the throat chakra and helps the bearer to speak and seek the truth. Moreover, this association also enhances the bearer’s communication and self-expression skills. The properties of Aquamarine stone help the bearer to connect with spiritual guides as well as allow them to attain a higher level of self-consciousness.

The soothing vibration of Aquamarine helps the bearer to maintain a healthy spiritual and physical connection. Moreover, the stone’s vibration also gifts the bearer with an abundance of positive energy while also providing a boost to their confidence and removing negative energies and other impurities.

Bloodstone healing properties

Bloodstone is associated with the fire element, and similar to Aquamarine, Bloodstone also provides the bearer with emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.

Bloodstone emotional healing properties

Bloodstone is referred to as the “warrior’s stone,” as it provides the bearer with strength, courage, and resilience. Bloodstone carries grounded properties that boost the feeling of confidence while also enhancing the bearer’s intellect and judgemental skills. Moreover, the properties of Bloodstone also calm every rushing thought inside the bearer’s mind and help them to make beneficial decisions.

The Bloodstone is also known as the mood stabilizer stone as it helps the bearer to maintain a calm mind while refining their creative emotions. Additionally, the stone also helps the bearer to relieve stress, anxiety, and other mental issues that are harmful to them.

Bloodstone physical healing properties

Bloodstone is a strong stone for both mental and physical health as it boosts the bearer’s immune and digestive health while maintaining healthy blood circulation. Moreover, Bloodstone is rich in iron and thanks to that association, it purifies the bearer’s blood and helps them to maintain a healthy blood sugar level.

The calm vibration of Bloodstone also enhances the bearer’s skin appearance while simultaneously promoting their confidence. Additionally, the vibration of Bloodstone also helps the bearer to relieve soreness, muscle pain, and eye pain.

Bloodstone spiritual healing properties

Bloodstone shares a connection with the base chakra and provides the bearer with stability and security. Moreover, this association also aligns all chakra points and provides the bearer with a healthy flow of energy throughout their body. This association also helps the bearer to develop feelings of love, trust, and compassion.

The spiritual healing properties of Bloodstone also help the bearer to connect with a higher level of self-consciousness to achieve success in life. Moreover, these properties also provide the bearer with an abundance of positive energy while dispelling impurities and promoting the feeling of joy and happiness.

Where is Aquamarine found?

Aquamarine is a march stone birthstone and is a type of mineral Beryl that is found in:

  • Nigeria.
  • Madagascar.
  • Zambia.
  • Mozambique.
  • Pakistan

Where is Bloodstone found?

Bloodstone is a type of polycrystalline chalcedony mineral that is found in:

  • India.
  • Brazil.
  • Australia.
  • Germany.
  • United States.
  • Italy.
  • South Africa.

How to use March Birthstone?

Both Aquamarine and Bloodstone offer numerous benefits, and in order to use the stone to their fullest, you can try:

  • Wearing stones as accessories: Bloodstone and Aquamarine are both popular accessory stones, and wearing them as accessories will allow the stone to be in direct contact with your body and will provide you with a constant flow of positive energy.
  • Carrying stones in your pocket or purse: Carrying either or both stones in your pocket or purse will work in the same manner as wearing the stone and will dispel every impurity while boosting positive energy.
  • Crystal grids: Placing Aquamarine and Bloodstone in a crystal grid will enhance the stone’s properties and will remove negative energies much more effectively while providing a much bigger boost to the positive ions as well as to the confidence.
  • Placing stones in your home or office: Placing Aquamarine or Bloodstone (or both) in a visible corner of your home or office will create balance within the place and will safeguard everyone under the roof.

How to cleanse Aquamarine?

Aquamarine is associated with the water element, and keeping it clean is essential to constantly use its benefits. In order to clean your Aquamarine stone, you can try:

  • Submerging it into a bowl of clear water: Submerge the stone in clear water for at least an hour as it will cleanse the stone and will also restore its positive energy.
  • Submerging Aquamarine in a bowl of seawater: Aquamarine is associated with the water element, and submerging the stone into seawater will restore its vibration and will remove all impurities from it.
  • Place the stone in a humid environment: Placing Aquamarine in a humid environment will make it clear and will also restore each of its positive properties.

How to cleanse Bloodstone?

Bloodstone is a fierce stone, and similar to Aquamarine, cleansing Bloodstone is also necessary. The best ways to cleanse Bloodstone are:

  • Clean the stone with soapy water and a soft brush: Cleansing the stone by using soapy water and a soft brush will restore its properties and vibration.
  • Placing Bloodstone beneath sunlight: Placing the stone beneath sunlight for at least 2-3 hours will free it from all impurities and will make it clear and ready to use again.
  • Smudge Bloodstone with sage or palo santo: The smoke of these herbs carries positive energy and will free the stone from every impurity while enhancing its lush energy.

To Conclude

The birthstones for the month of March are Aquamarine and Bloodstone. Aquamarine is a blue gemstone that symbolizes courage and hope. Bloodstone is a dark green stone with red splatters, and the stone provides the bearer with good luck while safeguarding them against negative energy. Both of these stones make beautiful and meaningful gifts for those born in the month of March.

Both Aquamarine and Bloodstone are March birthstones and have numerous benefits to everyone born in this month. Moreover, these stones also provide the bearer with mental clarity and allow them to paint the complete picture of their dreams and desires while also helping the bearer to achieve them. Additionally, the properties and vibration of both these stones provide the bearer with emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.

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